Friday, February 18, 2005
More movies and liking what you do
I borrowed 13 going on 30 just so that I could have something to watch with my wife, who doesn't much care for heavy stuff like Eternal Sunshine or About Schmidt. The first few minutes were painfully /// to Mean Girls and then it generated into some kind of poor remake of Big. At least with the Tom Hanks movie he became someone who wasn't already there- Jennifer Garner becoming someone who already existed was rather bizarre. The missus didn' t much care for Ms Garner anyway.
Spiderman 2 was well worth it though at times Peter Parker's life was verging on the seriously tragic. I don't seem to like Kirsten Dunst though. I didn't like her in Drop Dead Gorgeous, though I thought the movie was a riot. I didn't like her in The Virgin Suicides which was another of those 70's nostalgia trips that I didn't quite get. I didn't like her in Crazy Beautiful and I didn't like her in Spiderman. Doc Ock was terrific!
Then we watched something called Sasneham Sumithra which I swear is a remake of or at least based on Rebecca. None of the websites that reviewed the movie mention this fact however. Why does Sai Kumar look and act so villainously? Wasn't he a nice comic turn way back in one of the Mannar Mathai (or Ramji Rao) speaking movies?
I wonder if all professional athletes and actors and performers like what they do? At least they are working in a profession that they thought they have a talent for and one that they chose voluntarily. It would be weird to think there are basketball players who hate playing basketball but do it for the money.
Do actors wake up in the morning and say to themselves "I wish I had followed my dad into the family grocery business?"
I wonder what percentage of people like what they do- I certainly don't. I would have liked to been a teacher or a writer. Which perhaps is why I spend time typing in all these thoughts.
Spiderman 2 was well worth it though at times Peter Parker's life was verging on the seriously tragic. I don't seem to like Kirsten Dunst though. I didn't like her in Drop Dead Gorgeous, though I thought the movie was a riot. I didn't like her in The Virgin Suicides which was another of those 70's nostalgia trips that I didn't quite get. I didn't like her in Crazy Beautiful and I didn't like her in Spiderman. Doc Ock was terrific!
Then we watched something called Sasneham Sumithra which I swear is a remake of or at least based on Rebecca. None of the websites that reviewed the movie mention this fact however. Why does Sai Kumar look and act so villainously? Wasn't he a nice comic turn way back in one of the Mannar Mathai (or Ramji Rao) speaking movies?
I wonder if all professional athletes and actors and performers like what they do? At least they are working in a profession that they thought they have a talent for and one that they chose voluntarily. It would be weird to think there are basketball players who hate playing basketball but do it for the money.
Do actors wake up in the morning and say to themselves "I wish I had followed my dad into the family grocery business?"
I wonder what percentage of people like what they do- I certainly don't. I would have liked to been a teacher or a writer. Which perhaps is why I spend time typing in all these thoughts.