Wednesday, March 22, 2006


The First xxxx-American

So, when will the media quit focussing on someone being the first African-American to accomplish something? In the recent past it was Shani Davis being the first to get a Winter Olympic individual gold and then Bill Lester the first Nascar driver since 1988.
I don't see the same obsession with the someone being the first Asian American to do something. Was Michele Kwan touted as the first Chinese American to win the US National figure skating title? Was Kalpana Chawla touted in the US as the first Indian American to fly on the shuttle?

And quite definitely no reference to the first Italian American to play center fielder for the Yankees or the first Irish American to win an Oscar. Time was when Jews were still treated in this manner, I think with such references as the first Jew to be admitted to a certain school and so on. For example Moses Alexander is on record as the first Jew to be elected as a governor of a state, or Bess Myerson as the first Jew to win Miss America. But I didn't see any reference to Sasha Cohen being the first Jewish American to win a silver medal for figure skating (is she?)

'Nuff said and off to bed!

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